On the impact and lessons learned from mindfulness practice in a real-world software company

Autor: Bernárdez, Beatriz, Parejo, José A., Cruz, Margarita, Muñoz, Salvador, Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7885366
Popis: For the field experimentcarried out in a public Andalusian software company to evaluate the effects of the practise of mindfulness, this laboratory package contains i) the experimental material used during its execution, ii) the data sets (both raw data and curatedfiles) derived from the experimental tasks (questionnaires and performance), and iii) a Jupyter notebook containing the statistical analysis scripts, and raw results of script execution, including plots. Additionally, the repository includes a full report of the sphericity and homoscedasticity tests in the results, which are also available for studying the applicability of parametric tests (https://github.com/isa-group/ESEM-2023-Mindfulness-Labpack).
Databáze: OpenAIRE