Institutional transformation of the business sector. Monograph

Autor: Kurpayanidi, Konstantin Ivanovich, Abdullaev, Alisher Mahmudovich, Khudaykulov, Akmal Shukhratovich
Přispěvatelé: Kurpayanidi, Konstantin Ivanovich, Abdullaev, Alisher Mahmudovich, Khudaykulov, Akmal Shukhratovich, Ikramov, Murat Akramovich
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5457089
Popis: The monograph examines the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship development: the formation of scientific and theoretical ideas about entrepreneurship, the institutional environment of small entrepreneurship, its opportunities and limitations are analyzed; the concepts and models of entrepreneurship development are studied. The methodological foundations of institutional changes in the field of small business, methodological approaches to the analysis of the institutional environment of small business, factors and directions of development of institutions in the field of small business are identified, ineffective rules and barriers in the institutional environment of small business are characterized. Finally, attention is paid to the design of the components of the institutional environment of small businesses and ways to assess and predict the development of institutions in the field of small business. The book is of interest to students, researchers, and anyone interested in entrepreneurial activity.
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