Evaluation of NU-WRF Performance on Air Quality Simulation under Various Model Resolutions – An Investigation within Framework of MICS-Asia Phase III

Autor: Zhining Tao, Mian Chin, Meng Gao, Tom Kucsera, Dongchul Kim, Huisheng Bian, Jun-ichi Kurokawa, Yuesi Wang, Gregory R. Carmichael, Zifa Wang, Hajime Akimoto
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
ISSN: 1680-7324
Popis: Horizontal grid resolution has a profound effect on model performances on meteorology and air quality simulations. In contribution to MICS-Asia Phase III, one of whose goals was to identify and reduce model uncertainty in air quality prediction, this study examined the impact of grid resolution on meteorology and air quality over East Asia, focusing on the North China Plain (NCP) region. NASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) model has been applied with the horizontal resolutions at 45-, 15-, and 5-km. The results revealed that, in comparison with ground observations, no single resolution can yield the best model performance for all variables across all stations. From a regional average perspective (i.e., across all monitoring sites), air temperature modeling was not sensitive to the grid resolution but wind and precipitation simulation showed the opposite. NU-WRF with the 5-km grid simulated the best wind speed, while the 45-km grid yielded the most realistic precipitation as compared to the site observations. For air quality simulations, finer resolution generally led to better comparisons with observations for O3, CO, NOx, and PM2.5. However, the improvement of model performance on air quality was not linear with the resolution increase. The accuracy of modeled surface O3 out of the 15-km grid was greatly improved over the one from the 45-km grid. Further increase of grid resolution, however, showed diminished impact on model performance on O3 prediction. In addition, finer resolution grid showed large advantage to better capture the frequency of high pollution occurrences. This was important for assessment of noncompliance of ambient air quality standards, which was key to air quality planning and management. Balancing the findings and resource limitation, a 15-km grid resolution was suggested for future MICS-Asia air quality modeling activity. This investigation also found out large overestimate of ground-level O3 and underestimate of surface NOx and CO, likely due to missing emissions of NOx and CO.
Databáze: OpenAIRE