Autor: Özgür Uğurluoğlu, Erşan Çakir
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Volume: 7, Issue: 2 389-423
İşletme Bilimi Dergisi
ISSN: 2148-0737
Popis: Amaç : Bu çalışmanın amacı; sağlık çalışanlarınınsessiz kaldığı konuların neler olduğunu, sessizleşme nedenlerini vesessizleşmenin sağlık çalışanları açısından algılanan sonuçlarını ortayakoymaktır. Yöntem : Araştırmanın evrenini Ankara’dafaaliyet gösteren bir kamu hastanesinde görevli 884 sağlık çalışanı,örneklemini ise 276 sağlık çalışanı (doktor, hemşire, diğer sağlık personeli veidari personel) oluşturmaktadır.Bulgular : Sağlıkçalışanlarının en fazla yönetsel ve örgütsel sebeplerden ötürü (3,10±0,92),yönetim sorunları (2,65±0,96) ve çalışanların performansı (2,64±0,88)konularında sessiz kaldıkları bulunmuştur. Sağlık çalışanları, sessizliğinperformans ve sinerjiyi engelleyen sonuçlar (3,60±0,77) doğuracağı fikrinekatıldıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Ayrıca araştırma sonucunda; sağlıkçalışanlarının sessiz kaldıkları konular alt boyutlarından “iyileştirmeçabaları” alt boyutu yönetsel pozisyonun olup olmamasına göre, “etik konular”alt boyutu eğitim ve göreve göre, “çalışma olanakları ve sorumluluklar” altboyutu yönetsel pozisyonun olup olmamasına göre, “yönetim sorunları” alt boyutuyaş, medeni durum ve hastanede çalışma süresine göre ve “çalışanlarınperformansı” alt boyutu ise hastanede çalışma süresi ve yönetsel pozisyonunolup olmamasına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar göstermiştir.Sağlık çalışanlarının sessiz kalma nedenleri alt boyutlarından “deneyimeksikliği” alt boyutu medeni durum, eğitim ve göreve göre, “iş ile ilgilikorkular ve yalıtım korkusu” alt boyutu ise yaş, medeni durum, görev ve toplamçalışma süresine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar göstermiştir.Son olarak; sessizliğin algılanan sonuçları alt boyutlarından “performans ve sinerjiyiengelleyen sonuçlar” alt boyutunun göreve göre, “işgöreni mutsuz kılansonuçlar” alt boyutunun cinsiyet, medeni durum ve göreve göre ve “iyileşmeyi vegelişmeyi kısıtlayan sonuçlar” alt boyutunun ise medeni durum ve toplam çalışmasüresine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar gösterdiği tespitedilmiştir.Sonuç : Buçalışma sonucunda sessizliğin en önemli nedeni yöneticilerin tavır vedavranışları olarak bulunmuştur. Bu bağlamda, yöneticiler öncelikle işgörenlerinedeğer vermeli, onları dinlemeli, sorunları ile ilgilenmeli, işe ilişkinkaygılarını yok etmeye çalışmalıdır.
Importance of the physical and mental capacity ofmanpower in the provision of health services and the idea that the concept oforganizational silence will become more important with the effect of employeemotivation and performance indicates the focus of this study.In Turkey, studies regarding organizational silence ofhealth care employees mostly conducted with nurses, approximately 50%. 42% ofthis studies conducted with the participation of all staff in the organizationand 8% of this studies conducted with both physicians and nurses (Bayın et al.,2015). Studies conducted with all staff in the organization investigate thereasons of organizational silence (Alioğulları, 2012; Çınar et al., 2013),types of organizational silence (Deniz et al., 2013; Aktaş ve Şimşek, 2013),and the consequences of this concept with reasons (Afşar, 2013). There is noresearch in the literature that studies the subjects which employees remainsilent, reasons of silence and perceived results of silence with all staff inthe organization. In addition to these, current study examines whether the resultsdiffer according to individualistic and demographic variables and with thisfeature the study becomes more original.The study conducted in one of thestate hospitals in Ankara. There are 884 staff in the hospital from variousoccupations (physicians, midwives/nurses, other healthcare personnel,administrative personnel). Instead of using sampling methods, researchers havetried to reach all staff in the hospital. Totally 291 questionnaire werecollected due to reasons such as leave of absence (such as sickness, birth,annual leave), shifts, and unwillingness to participate in the study. 15 of thecollected questionnaires excluded because of physicians, 98 midwives/nurses, 67other healthcare personnel and 70 administrative personnel participate the studyand this total number of 276 health care workers included in the studyaccounted for the 31.2% of the hospital population. Thequestionnaire developed by Çakıcı (2008) were used to collect data. TheQuestionnaire consist of two parts; first one is Personal Information Form forindividual and demographic information and second part is OrganizationalSilence Scale.SPSS 21.0 (Statistical Package for the SocialSciences) were used to analyze collected data. In the data analyzing process,frequencies and percentages were used to reveal the descriptive findingsrelated to the individual and demographic characteristics of the staff thatparticipate in the research. After this step, validity and reliability analysiswere applied to the scales used in the study. In the next step, mean andstandard deviation descriptive statistical methods were used to related to thesub-dimensions of the scales used in the study. In order to determine whetherthe scales and sub-dimensions used in the study differ according to the individualand demographic characteristics of the participants, the significance test(Standard t test) and one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) were used.If there was a significant difference between the groups, Scheffe test, whichis one of the Post-hoc tests, was used to compare all possible linearcombinations between the groups in order to find out from which group thesignificance was caused. When the individual and social-demographiccharacteristics of the participants were examined, it was seen that big part ofthe participants (59.1%) were women. 85.1% of the participants were married,50.7% of them are 38 of age and under, 49.3% of them are 39 age and above. Interms of working experience of participants in the specific hospital; 60.5% of theparticipants were working for 6 years and less, remaining 39.5% of them wereworking of 7 years and more. In terms of educational levels, 19.9% ofparticipants had primary and high school degrees, 26.5% had associate degree,36.6% had undergraduate degree and 17% had graduate education degrees. It wasseen that 14.9% of the participants were physicians, 35.5% were midwives /nurses, 24.3% were other health care staff and 25.4% were administrative staff.In terms of managerial position, it was seen that 17.8% of the participantswere in the managerial position and 82.2% of the participants were in thenon-managerial positions.As a result of the construct validity analysis of thescales used to measure subjects that employees remain silent, reasons of silenceand perceived results of silence: Subjects that employees remain silentdimension is consist of ‘Working Opportunities and Responsibilities’,’Management Problems', ’Employee Performance’, ‘Ethical Issues' and'Improvement Efforts' sub-dimensions. Reasons of silence dimension is consist of’Administrative and Organizational Causes‘, ’Fears about Work and Fear ofIsolation’, ‘Lack of Experience’ and ‘Fear of Damaging Relationships’sub-dimensions. Perceived results of silence dimension is consist of ‘ResultsAffecting Performance and Synergy‘, ‘Results causing Staff Unhappiness’ and‘Restrictions to Improvement and Development’ sub-dimensions.In this research, it is determined that, healthcarestaff stays mostly silent about management problems (2.65±0.96) and staffperformance (2.64±0.88), however healthcare staff gave lowest average toethical issues dimension (1,79±0,73). According to this, it can be said thathospital staff do not remain silent or rarely remain silent, especially inethical issues (abuse, molestation, etc.) and they remain silent most likely inproblems caused by management and other staff. Results of the reasons forremain silence, the highest average was given to administrative andorganizational reasons (3.10 ± 0.92) and the lowest average was given to lackof experience (2.39 ± 0.89). According to this results it can be said thatadministrative and organizational reasons are basic reasons of organizationalsilence. In the perceived results of silence dimension highest score was givento ‘Results Affecting Performance and Synergy’ (3.60±0.77) sub-dimension andlowest score was given to ‘Result Causing Staff Unhappiness’ (3.31±0.87)sub-dimension. In other words, employees believe that remaining silent createsconsequences that affects performance and synergy.When the relation between organizational silencescores and demographic variables examined for each dimension statisticallysignificant results were found according to sub-dimensions. In the '‘Subjectsthat Employees Remain Silent’' dimension there are statistically significantresults as following: “Working opportunities and responsibilities”sub-dimension differs by status of holding a managerial position (t=-3.327;p
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