The crisis of 2008 and the rise of the Slovenian consolidation state

Autor: Marko Hočevar
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Teorija in praksa. revija za družbena vprašanja, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 305-321,489, 2021.
ISSN: 0040-3598
Popis: The purpose of the article is to explain the creation of the Slovenian debt state and its transformation into a consolidation state after the crisis of 2008. When the crisis struck Slovenia in 2009, the banking system was near collapse. Through the recapitalisations of the banking system the public debt began to grow. After a couple of years and under the structural pressures of rating agencies and pressures from the EU, the Slovenian state had to adopt austerity measures to consolidate its public finances, while limiting the scope of democracy. The main finding of the article is that the crisis of 2008 fundamentally changed the Slovenian state Namen članka je razložiti vzpon slovenske države dolga in njeno preoblikovanje v konsolidirajočo se državo. Ko je leta 2009 kriza zajela Slovenijo, je bil bančni sistem blizu kolapsa. Z dokapitalizacijami bančnega sistema je javni dolg začel rasti. Po nekaj letih in pod strukturnimi pritiski in omejitvami bonitetnih agencij ter pritiski iz EU je morala slovenska država sprejeti varčevalne ukrepe za konsolidacijo javnih financ ter omejiti doseg demokracije. Glavna ugotovitev članka je, da je kriza 2008 v temeljih spremenila slovensko državo
Databáze: OpenAIRE