Flexural strength of self compacting fiber reinforced concrete beams using polypropylene fiber: An experimental study

Autor: Ade Lisantono, Baskoro Abdi Praja, Billy Nouwen Hermawan
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: One of the methods to increase the tensile strength of concrete is adding a fiber mat erial into the concrete. While to reduce a noise in a construction project, a self compacting concrete was a good choices in the project. This paper presents an experimental study of flexural behavior and strength of self compacting fiber reinforced concrete (RC) beams using polypropylene fiber. The micro monofilament polypropylene fibers with the proportion 0.9 kg/m of concrete weight were used in this study. Four beam specimens were cast and tested in this study. Two beams were cast of self compacting reinforced concrete without fiber, and two beams wer e cast of self compacting fiber r einfor ced concret e using polypropylene. The beams specimen had the sect ion of (180×260) mm and the length was 2000 mm. The beams had simple supported with the span of 1800 mm. The longitudinal r einforcements were using diameter of 10 mm. Two reinforcements of O10 mm were put for compressive reinforcement and three reinforcements of O10 mm were put for tensile reinforcement. The shear reinforcement was using diameter of 8 mm. The shear reinforcements with spacing of 100 mm were put in the one fourth near to the support and the spacing of 150 mm were put in the middle span. Two points loading were used in the testing. The result shows that the load-carrying capacity of the self compacting reinforced concrete beam using polypropylene was a little bit higher than the self compacting reinforced concret e beam without polypropylene. The increment of load-carrying capacity of self compacting polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete was not so significant because the increment was only 2.80 % compare to self compacting non fiber reinforced concrete. And from the load- carr ying capacit y- deflection relationship cur ves show that both the self compacting polypropylene fiber reinforced concret e beam and the self compacting non fiber reinforced concrete beam were ductile beams.
Databáze: OpenAIRE