Development of Visual Languages with Interactive Video Disks

Autor: Harold J. McWhinnie
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Journal of Educational Technology Systems. 20:45-51
ISSN: 1541-3810
Popis: This article represents some exploratory work utilizing the computer and a video disk done at the National Gallery of Art. Developed were some instructional sequences and other software that could be used either in the teaching of courses in art and design, or additional research on the nature of the formal structure found in works of art. This was a project in the development of visual languages. Utilized was a new IBM software program that allows use of video disk technology to: present instructional sequences to students; store the responses of students to questions; evaluate the responses of students; and analyze these responses in terms of aesthetic preference, aesthetic judgement and other variables. Video disks and interactive computer software programs offer the possibilities of powerful new technologies for both instruction and research in art and design.
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