Fazna topologija elastomernih blendi NR/BR sa aktivnim punilom

Autor: Radivoj Popović, Ivana Pajic-Lijakovic, Branko Bugarski, Branislav Čubrić, Milenko Plavsic, Nada Lazić, Ružica G. Popović
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Hemijska industrija
Hemijska Industrija, Vol 57, Iss 11, Pp 568-572 (2003)
Popis: The relations between the structure and mechanical properties of a polymer blend of natural (NR) and polybutadiene (BR) rubber (i.e. a NR/BR blend with the weight ratio of the components 70/30) filled with active carbon black were analysed. The properties of the individual phases in the blend were resolved by modeling the stress-strain relationship according to the Bauer procedure for high extensions. The obtained results indicated that BR is the dispersed phase, having a higher modulus, which was also confirmed by the much better fit of the experimental data to the series type of phase coupling according to the Takanayagy theory. U radu se analizira zavisnost strukture i mehaničkih svojstava elastomernih materijala na bazi prirodnog (NR) i polibutadienskog (BR) kaučuka punjenih aktivnim čađima i blende ovih smesa NR/BR u masenom odnosu 70/30. Svojstva individualnih faza u 70/30 NR/BR blendi mogu se na zadovoljavajući način definisati modelom koji uzima u obzir zavisnost napon-deformacija pri velikim istezanjima. U sistemu NR/BR dispergovana faza BR ima viši modul u odnosu na kontinualnu NR fazu, te se interakcija izmedu faza blendi može modelovati na redni način.
Databáze: OpenAIRE