Autor: Goncharova, Tetiana
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1069510
Popis: The article deals with the research on genre transformation processes in communicative environment of football fans with an emphasis on psycholinguistic mechanisms of these processes. The author outlines and characterizes the traditional and up-to-date genres of the discourse of football fan groups. The analysis of genre peculiarities of German and Ukrainian fans communicative practices according to the parameters of "questionnaires of the genre” developed by T. Shmelova allows to define the key communicative-pragmatic and linguistic characteristics of this type of discourse. Based on the investigation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic characteristics of football fans discourse, the author reveals that psycholinguistic mechanisms play a leading role in the organization of genres, because they are used to form a certain psychological state, emotionality, inducement to action, suggestive influence on the communicative environment. It is proved that peculiar ethnic-specific means, which testify that the linguistic features of genres of representatives of various linguistic-cultural communities, are the reflection of their socio-cultural world. ABSTRACT The article deals with the research on genre transformation processes in communicative environment of football fans with an emphasis on psycholinguistic mechanisms of these processes. The author outlines and characterizes the traditional and up-to-date genres of the discourse of football fan groups. The analysis of genre peculiarities of German and Ukrainian fans communicative practices according to the parameters of "questionnaires of the genre” developed by T. Shmelova allows to define the key communicative-pragmatic and linguistic characteristics of this type of discourse. Based on the investigation of phonetic, lexical, morphological and syntactic characteristics of football fans discourse, the author reveals that psycholinguistic mechanisms play a leading role in the organization of genres, because they are used to form a certain psychological state, emotionality, inducement to action, suggestive influence on the communicative environment. It is proved that peculiar ethnic-specific means, which testify that the linguistic features of genres of representatives of various linguistic-cultural communities, are the reflection of their socio-cultural world.
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