Diabetes and endogenous orphanin FQ/nociceptin levels in rat CSF and plasma

Autor: Melinda Gyenge, B Borbála Bizderi, M Mónika Hantos, Valéria Kecskeméti, Kornélia Tekes
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 2073-5944
Popis: It is widely accepted that OFQ/N is involved in the metabolic neuropathic pain caused by diabetes mellitus. In our present study we aimed to determine whether long-term diabetes characterized by hyperglycaemia has any effect on endogenous OFQ/N levels. Diabetes was initiated in 8 -week old male Wistar rats by intravenous administration of strepto zotocin (60mg/kg body weight). Body weight and blood glucose levels were measured weekly and OrphaninFQ/nociceptin (OFQ/N) levels were determined by radioimmunoassay every two weeks between 2 to 16 weeks of the diabetic period. Neither plasma nor CSF OFQ/N levels showed significant difference from control in long-term diabetic rats. Age-dependence of both plasma and CSF OFQ/N levels reached the adult level in 3 -month old rats. It is concluded that the metabolic neuropathic pain observed in streptozotocin-induced experimental diabetes is not related to changes in plasma or CSF levels of endogenous OFQ/N. (Int J Diabetes Metab 13: 147-153, 2005)
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