Systematics and biogeography of penduline tits in Iran by Hossein Barani Beiranvand.pdf

Autor: Barani-Beiranvand, Hossein
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.17054867
Popis: Penduline tits in Iran, based on examination of skins and literatures (Bochenski, 1998; Dolgushinet al., 1972; Stepanyan, 2003; Zarudny and H��rms, 1912; Zarudny, 1892; Zarudny, 1908b and ���), are comprises of 3 species with a total of 7 subspecies. Eurasian Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus), Black-headed Penduline Tit (Remiz macronyx), and White-crowned Penduline Tit (Remiz coronatus), all occurring in Iran. The subspecies that appear in Iran seems to be: R. p. pendulinus, R. p. menzbieri, R. p. neglectus, R. p. caspius, R. m. macronyx, R. m. nigricans, and R. c. coronatus. Certainly recorded subspecies and their distribution are R. p. menzbieri (north-western Iran, Zagros Mountains), R. p. caspius (along the south-eastern shores of the Caspian Sea), R. m. macronyx (south Caspian), R. m. nigricans (Sistan basin), R. c. coronatus (north-eastern of Iran). Though the review below is based on recent investigations, Zarudny at 1911 reached already the same conclusion almost a century ago, distinguishing 3 species with a total of 7 subspecies in Iran, though the names he used are deviating from those used at present.
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