Numerical approximations of first kind Volterra convolution equations with discontinuous kernels

Autor: Dugald B. Duncan, Penny J. Davies
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: J. Integral Equations Applications 29, no. 1 (2017), 41-73
ISSN: 0897-3962
Popis: The cubic ``convolution spline'' method for first kind Volterra convolution integral equations was introduced in P.J. Davies and D.B. Duncan, $\mathit {Convolution\ spline\ approximations\ of\ Volterra\ integral\ equations}$, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications \textbf {26} (2014), 369--410. Here, we analyze its stability and convergence for a broad class of piecewise smooth kernel functions and show it is stable and fourth order accurate even when the kernel function is discontinuous. Key tools include a new discrete Gronwall inequality which provides a stability bound when there are jumps in the kernel function and a new error bound obtained from a particular B-spline quasi-interpolant.
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