3D-Encoded DENSE MRI with Zonal Excitation for Quantifying Biventricular Myocardial Strain During a Breath-Hold

Autor: Christopher M. Haggerty, Brandon K. Fornwalt, Samuel W. Fielden, Christopher D. Nevius, Eric D. Carruth
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Cardiovasc Eng Technol
ISSN: 1869-4098
DOI: 10.1007/s13239-021-00561-8
Popis: PURPOSE: Right ventricular (RV) function is increasingly recognized for its prognostic value in many disease states. As with the left ventricle (LV), strain-based measurements may have better prognostic value than typical chamber volumes or ejection fraction. Complete functional characterization of the RV requires high-resolution, 3D displacement tracking methods, which have been prohibitively challenging to implement. Zonal excitation during Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has helped reduce scan time for 2D LV strain quantification. We hypothesized that zonal excitation could alternatively be used to reproducibly acquire higher resolution, 3D-encoded DENSE images for quantification of bi-ventricular strain within a single breath-hold. METHODS: We modified sequence parameters for a 3D zonal excitation DENSE sequence to achieve in-plane resolution
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