AMELIORATE: early intensification in FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia based on peripheral blast clearance – MYNERVA-GIMEMA AML1919 trial

Autor: Marco Vignetti, Alessandro M. Vannucchi, Francesco Mannelli, Sergio Amadori, Francesco Buccisano, Giacomo Gianfaldoni, Roberto Caporale, Paola Fazi, Maria Teresa Voso, Giuseppe Rossi, Paola Guglielmelli, Adriano Venditti, Enrico Crea, Marco Chiarini, Alfonso Piciocchi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Future Oncology. 17:3787-3796
ISSN: 1744-8301
Popis: AMELIORATE is a Phase III, randomized trial aiming to personalize treatment intensity in FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia. The current study provides an early appraisal of chemosensitivity based on peripheral blasts clearance, as assessed by multiparameter flow cytometry, from baseline to day 4 of induction. This biomarker was previously demonstrated to predict complete remission achievement and measurable residual disease status. For patients experiencing low peripheral blast cells (i.e., ≤2.0 logs), two major adjustments of treatment as compared with current standard of care are envisioned in the experimental arm: the immediate switch to intensified induction with high-doses cytarabine (1500 mg/m2 b.i.d. on days 5–7 of induction); and the early allocation of the patient to high-risk disease category, to be further refined later based on postinduction measurable residual disease status.
Databáze: OpenAIRE