Transitional activities : Children's projects in Finnish pre-primary education

Autor: Teemu Suorsa, Jaakko Hilppö, Anna Pauliina Rainio
Přispěvatelé: Fleer, Marilyn, Hedegaard, Mariane, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Sørensen, Hanne Værum, Learning, Culture & Interventions (LECI), Department of Education, Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ), Research Group for Educational Psychology
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Qualitative Studies of Exploration in Childhood Education
Popis: Online 2021, print 2022 This chapter builds on three key theoretical premises of cultural-historical activity theory, namely that 1) human activities are object oriented (Leontiev, 1978; Engeström, 1999) and that 2) children’s learning and development are structured by the various opportunities offered and demands placed on them by different activities that constitute their everyday lives (Hedegaard & Fleer, 2012) and lastly that 3) the relative importance of various activities for children’s development between different historical periods and within ontogenesis changes (Beach, 1995). Within the broad frame of these premises, in this chapter we will explore the notion of children’s projects (Hilppö, 2017) and its theoretical and empirical relevance for the development of cultural-historical activity theory. More specifically, the focus in the chapter is on such projects as transitional activities and how they are related to more leading activities in children’s development like socio-dramatic play and school learning (Elkonin, 1972). Importantly, the chapter will explore how children’s projects emerge through children’s agency (Rainio, 2010; Rainio and Hilppö, 2017) and the opportunities these projects offer for supporting children’s learning and development. The theoretical arguments advanced in this chapter are illustrated with an example of a children’s project from a Finnish pre- primary education group. The chapter will conclude with a discussion about the role of Finnish early education and especially pre-primary education in the emergence of children’s projects.
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