Measuring the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas undergoing a structural phase transition

Autor: Renate Landig, Tilman Esslinger, Rafael Mottl, Ferdinand Brennecke, Tobias Donner
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Nature Communications
Nature Communications, 6
ISSN: 2041-1723
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000101960
Popis: The dynamic structure factor is a central quantity describing the physics of quantum many-body systems, capturing structure and collective excitations of a material. In condensed matter, it can be measured via inelastic neutron scattering, which is an energy-resolving probe for the density fluctuations. In ultracold atoms, a similar approach could so far not be applied because of the diluteness of the system. Here we report on a direct, real-time and nondestructive measurement of the dynamic structure factor of a quantum gas exhibiting cavity-mediated long-range interactions. The technique relies on inelastic scattering of photons, stimulated by the enhanced vacuum field inside a high finesse optical cavity. We extract the density fluctuations, their energy and lifetime while the system undergoes a structural phase transition. We observe an occupation of the relevant quasi-particle mode on the level of a few excitations, and provide a theoretical description of this dissipative quantum many-body system.
Nature Communications, 6
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