Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur ‚in vivo‘-Empfindlichkeit von vier kommerziellen Okkultblut-Testen auf Pseudoperoxidase-Basis in Relation zu den aus der gemessenen Gesamtkörper-59Fe-Elimination berechneten tatsächlichen Blutverlusten

Autor: F. Ičagić, H. C. Heinrich
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Klinische Wochenschrift. 58:1283-1297
ISSN: 1432-1440
Popis: The ‚in vivo‘-sensitivity of four commercial guaiac type faecal occult blood tests (Haemoccult, hemo FEC, Colo-Rect and Fecatest) was investigated in 102 out-patients without and with gastrointestinal blood losses of 2 to 193 ml/day by intraindividual and simultaneous comparison with the actual blood losses which were calculated from the measured whole body retention of absorbed or injected59Fe. All subjects were carefully instructed to live for 7 days on a haemoprotein-poor diet (4 days before and 3 days during the stool sampling) since dietary haemoproteins can cause high rates of false-positive results with all four tests.
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