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Background:People with Imposter Syndrome often feel they need to over-work and over-deliver on projects to avoid being found out.Researchers have identified a number of factors contributing to the emergence of Impostorism, including perfectionism and family environment. Objective:Thus this article studies the Correlation between Imposter Syndrome and Burnout among working people. Research Design:A correlational research design was used to evaluate the direction of the relationship between Imposter Syndrome and burnout.Data related toimposter Syndrome was collected by using the CIPs Scale and related to burn was gathered by using MBI Scale among curren employees at Dehradun, Uttarakhand (2022). Methodology: 50 employeeswho satisfied the inclusion criteria were selected as a sample by using a Non-probability sampling technique. An inventory containing a questionnaire was given to them after consent i.e. taken from each employeebefore the study. A linear approach i.e. linear regression was used to modeling the relationship between Imposter Syndrome and Burnout. Results:The major findings of Regression statistics Multiple R (0.848771) indicates a strong relationship between imposter syndrome and burnout and Analysis of variance shows a good model of regression at alpha 0.05. P value (0.000170653) is less the value at the o.o5 level of significance is less, so the null hypothesis is rejected. Conclusion:The results revealed that there was a positive correlationbetween Imposter Syndrome and Burnout among employees.   |