Particulate matter exposure in biomass-burning homes of different communities of Brahmaputra Valley

Autor: Jayanta Bora, Pratibha Deka, Abdullah Sazid, Dharitri Gogoi, Raza Rafiqul Hoque, S. Balachandran
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Environmental monitoring and assessment. 193(12)
ISSN: 1573-2959
Popis: Biomass burning for cooking prevalent in the developing countries is an issue which has been a concern for the past several decades for the noxious emissions and subsequent effects on the health of women and children due to the exposure of particulate matter (PM) and other gases. In this study, PM (PM1, PM2.5, and PM10) were measured in biomass-burning households for different communities of Brahmaputra Valley region northeast India by a 31-channel aerosol spectrometer. The levels of emission of PM in the case of different community households were found to be significantly different. Also, the emission characteristics of different cooking time of the day were found to be different across communities. The emission levels in the biomass-burning households were compared with emission in household using "clean" LPG fuel, and it was found that the biomass fuels emitted 10-12 times more PM2.5 and 6-7 times more PM10. The number densities of the emission were found to be more with smaller sizes of particulates which could explain why such biomass-burning emissions can pose with greater health risks. The exposure doses were calculated and were found to be about three times higher in biomass-burning houses than "clean" LPG fuel. It is important to note that the exposure from biomass burning while cooking has a gender perspective. The woman of the house generally takes care of the activities in the kitchen and get exposed to the noxious PM and the gases. Children often accompany their mothers and face the same fate.
Databáze: OpenAIRE