Limnonectes paramacrodon

Autor: Figueroa, Alex, Low, Martyn E. Y., Lim, Kelvin K. P.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7967007
Popis: Limnonectes paramacrodon (Inger, 1966) — Native. Rana paramacrodon Inger, 1966: 228–232, fig. 47. Holotype: FMNH 76883, by original designation; paratypes (24): FMNH 14279, 76578, 76582, 76605–07, 76609, 76614–16, 76620, 76623, 76628, 76631–32, 76831, 76881, 76884–86, 128223–24, 129145, and NMW 16963, by original designation. Type locality: “Sungei Tawan, a small tributary of the Kalabakan River, Tawau District, Sabah ”, East Malaysia. Masked Swamp Frog (Figure 5A) Singapore records. Rana paramacrodon paramacrodon — K.K.P. Lim, 1989a: 51–57 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest). Rana paramacrodon —K. Lim, 1989h: 66 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—K.P. Lim 1990: 13 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—K.K.P. Lim & L.M. Chou, 1990: 56.—K.P. 1991a: 4 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—K.P. Lim & Subharaj, 1991: 4 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest; Seletar Reservoir Park [USRP]).—K.K.P. Lim & C.M. Yang, 1991: 221, 226.—K.K.P. Lim & F.L.K. Lim, 1992: 35, 144.—P.K.L. Ng & K.K.P. Lim, 1992: 260 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—L.M. Chou et al., 1994: 93.—K.K.P. Lim, 1994a: 211, 330. Limnonectes (formerly Rana) paramacrodon — R. Subaraj et al., 1995: 5 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest). Limnonectes paramacrodon —K.P. Lim, 1995: 20 (Chestnut Track [CTF]; Mandai Forest Track [NSSF]; Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—Inger, 1996: 560.—Chan-ard et al., 1999: 16.—K.K.P. Lim, 2013b: 81 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—R.C.H. Teo & Rajathurai, 1997: 398 (Nee Soon East [NSSF]; Nee Soon Range [NSSF]; Nee Soon South [NSSF]).—K.P. Lim & F.L.K. Lim, 2002: 144.—K.K.P. Lim & T.M. Leong, 2008: 157, 264.—N. Baker & K.P. Lim, 2008: 58, 158 (Pulau Tekong).—T.M. Leong & Gan, 2011: 25.—P.K.L. Ng et al., 2011: 308.—T.M. Leong, 2011: 21, 22, 23.—D.C.J. Yeo & K.K.P. Lim, 2011: 55.—N. Baker & K.P. Lim, 2012: 58, 158.—L.K. Wang et al., 2012: 121, 248.—K.K.P. Lim, 2013b: 81 (Nee Soon Swamp Forest).—E.K. Chua, 2015: 94.—K.K.P. Lim, et al., 2016: 172 (Pulau Tekong).— Inger et al., 2017: 88.— Kurniawan et al., 2017b: 020002–5.— S.M. Chong et al., 2018: 253. Remarks. Although a specimen at ZRC labelled Rana paramacrodon that was collected at NSSF by C.F. Lim on 17 December 1974, it was only first reported from Singapore in 1989 (Lim 1989a). In the same article that Lim (1989a) first reported L. paramacrodon from Singapore, he also reported on an additional six specimens collected at NSSF in 1988. Since then, L. paramacrodon has mostly been collected in NSSF (Lim & Yang 1991), until three were collected at Mandai, one at CTF (Lim 1995), and a few individuals were seen in 2002 on PT (Lim et al. 2016). Occurrence. Restricted to CCNR and PT. Rare. Singapore conservation status. Critically Endangered. Conservation priority. Highest. IUCN conservation status. Least Concern [2022]. LKCNHM & NHMUK Museum specimens. Nee Soon Swamp Forest: ZRC.1.1489 (17-Dec-1974), ZRC.1.2984– ZRC.1.2987, ZRC.1.2991– ZRC.1.2992 (08-Mar-1991), ZRC.1.2763 (30-Apr-1990), ZRC.1.4220 (16-Jan-1996), ZRC.1.4745 (20-Jun-1994), ZRC.1.5046 (06-Jul-2000), ZRC.1.1555 (29-Nov-1988), ZRC.1.1563– ZRC.1.1564 (17-Dec-1988), ZRC.1.1567 (31-Dec-1988), ZRC.1.1573 (17-Dec-1988), ZRC.1.1773– ZRC.1.1774 (28-Dec-1989), ZRC.1.1557 (25-Nov-1988), ZRC.1.3378 (08-Oct-1996); Pulau Tekong: ZRC.1.9227– ZRC.1.9233 (31-Jan-2002), ZRC.1.12490 (29-Sep-2012), ZRC.1.12491 (29-Sep-2012); Seletar Reservoir Park [USRP]: ZRC.1.3289 (29-May-1991), ZRC.1.3998– ZRC.1.3999 (25-Oct-1990). Additional Singapore museum specimens. Singapore (no locality): FMNH. Singapore localities. Chestnut Track Forest—Nee Soon Swamp Forest—Pulau Tekong—Upper Seletar Reservoir Park.
Published as part of Figueroa, Alex, Low, Martyn E. Y. & Lim, Kelvin K. P., 2023, Singapore's herpetofauna: updated and annotated checklist, history, conservation, and distribution, pp. 1-378 in Zootaxa 5287 (1) on pages 35-36, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5287.1.1,
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