Inhibin Subunits mRNA Expression Level in Human Placenta from Normal and Down's Syndrome Pregnancies

Autor: Karl Thomas, S. Pampfer, Frédéric Debiève
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Placenta. 22:96-102
ISSN: 0143-4004
Popis: In order to study the mechanisms leading to increased inhibin A and activin A in maternal serum with advancing gestation and increased inhibin A in Down's syndrome pregnancy, the mRNA expression level of inhibin and activin subunits was quantitatively studied in human placenta using Northern blot and semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. The corresponding protein level was also determined by specific ELISAs for inhibin A, inhibin B, activin A and inhibin pro alphaC in placental extracts. Normal placenta (n=27) showed a slight significant increase in alpha and betaA subunit mRNA levels in term pregnancy, with no change of the corresponding protein level. Placenta from Down's syndrome pregnancies (n=6) did not differ from controls in either mRNA expression or corresponding protein levels. In conclusion, there is a dissociation between inhibin and activin subunit mRNA levels and the corresponding protein levels in maternal serum, and Down's syndrome inhibin A increase is not explained by mRNA expression upregulation. In an additional study, ovarian cortex tissue from term pregnancies (n=3) were examined. Only the alpha subunit mRNA was expressed, at a higher level than in the placenta, suggesting that ovary could be a source of inhibin pro alphaC during pregnancy.
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