Additional file 1 of Propedia: a database for protein–peptide identification based on a hybrid clustering algorithm

Autor: Martins, Pedro M., Lucianna H. Santos, Mariano, Diego, Felippe C. Queiroz, Bastos, Luana L., Gomes, Isabela De S., Fischer, Pedro H. C., Rocha, Rafael E. O., Silveira, Sabrina A., Lima, Leonardo H. F. De, Magalhães, Mariana T. Q. De, Oliveira, Maria G. A., Melo-Minardi, Raquel C. De
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.13514628
Popis: Additional file 1. Additional details and figures for casestudies: Metadynamics estimated $$\Delta\hbox{G}_{{bind}}$$ Δ G bind correlateswith the major propedia scores for the Sars-Cov-2 $$\hbox{M}_{{Pro}}$$ M Pro and Anticarsia gemmatalis protease.
Databáze: OpenAIRE