Injury survey in scuba divers of British Sub-Aqua Club: A retrospective study

Autor: Nam-Heung Cho, Gwang-Suk Hyun, Jung-Min Park, Jun-Youl Cha, Yong-Seok Jee
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation
ISSN: 2288-176X
Popis: Scuba diving itself is generally known as a safe sports. However, various injury accidents can happen, and the incidences vary depending on divers' education grade levels about the risks. Therefore, the study set out to identify and analyze the causes and patterns of injuries depending on the divers' safety education grade levels through a questionnaire survey targeting ocean divers (n=12), sports divers (n=16), and dive leaders (n=15), all of whom belong to the British Sub-Aqua Club. After conducting a frequency analysis on the collected questionnaires, the conclusions are made as follows. First, in terms of diving depth, the most frequent diving depth was 15-20 m among ocean divers, 20-25 m among sports divers, and 15-20 m in case of dive leaders. Second, with regard to the causes of injuries, the most frequently answered causes are 'overtension' and 'low skill' among ocean divers; 'low skill' among sports divers; 'overaction' among dive leaders. Third, in terms of injury patterns, the most frequently answered injury patterns are 'ear' injuries among ocean divers; 'ankle' injuries among sports divers; 'ankle' and 'calf' injuries among dive leaders. Fourth, with regard to who performed first-aid when an injury accident happened, the most frequent answers are 'instructor' among ocean divers; 'instructor' and 'self' among sports divers; 'self' among dive leaders. We might suggest that more efforts need to be made to improve divers' low dependence on specialists for treatment and consultation so that we can prevent an injury from leading to the second injury accident.
Databáze: OpenAIRE