Painting Schemes for CERN PS Booster H⁻ Injection

Autor: Abelleira, Jose Luis, Bartmann, Wolfgang, Benedetto, Elena, Bracco, Chiara, Di Giovanni, Gian Piero, Forte, Vincenzo, Kowalska, Magdalena, Meddahi, Malika, Mikulec, Bettina, Rumolo, Giovanni
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-ipac2015-thpf083
Popis: The present 50-MeV proton injection into the PS Booster will be replaced by a H⁻ charge exchange injection at 160 MeV to be provided by Linac 4. The higher energy will allow producing beams at higher brightness. A set of kicker magnets (KSW) will move the beam across the stripping foil to perform phase space painting in the horizontal plane to reduce space charge effects. The PSB must satisfy the different users with very different beams in terms of emittance and intensity. Therefore, the KSW waveforms must be adapted for each case to meet the beam characteristics while minimizing beam losses. Here we present the results of the simulations performed to optimise the injection system. A detailed analysis of the different painting schemes is discussed, including the effect of the working point on the painted beam, and variations in the offset of the injected beam.
Proceedings of the 6th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf., IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA
Databáze: OpenAIRE