Unrecognized myocardial infarction by echocardiography in relation to infarct characteristics as assessed by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Autor: Sebastiaan C.A.M. Bekkers, Patricia J. Nelemans, Emile C. Cheriex, Harry J.G.M. Crijns, Simon Schalla, Martijn W. Smulders, Caroline Jaarsma, Ivo M. van Dongen, Joachim E. Wildberger
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Vol 14, Iss Suppl 1, p O36 (2012)
ISSN: 1532-429X
Popis: controls. The infarct-related artery (IRA) was the LAD, LCx and RCA in 31%, 12%, and 57% of patients, respectively. All patients showed hyperenhancement on DECMR matching the IRA territory. The median infarct size was 11% (IQR 5-19) with a mean infarct transmurality of 57±16%. The sensitivity of echocardiography to detect SWMA was 80.3% in the acute, and 65.0% in the chronic phase; the specificity was 80.6%. In patients with unrecognized MI, infarcts were smaller (6% [IQR 3-12] vs. 15% [IQR 9-23], p
Databáze: OpenAIRE