A First Look at OpenFlow Control Plane Behavior from a Test Deployment

Autor: Levin, Dan, Wundsam, Andreas, Feldmann, Anja, Seetharaman, Srini, Kobayashi, Masayoshi, Parulkar, Guru
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: OpenFlow is widely being deployed across campuses in the US, Europe, and Asia. However, little is known about the performance and traffic characteristics of such networks in practice. In this paper, we present preliminary behavior and performance observations made from traffic collected at the Stanford experimental OpenFlow network, the first deployment of its kind operating with user-generated traffic. We base our study on OpenFlow control plane traffic and data plane measurements, collected over multiple weeks. We find that control plane traffic, while typically low, can, at times, make up a significant portion of overall network traffic. We observe that the flow arrival rate has a large impact on network performance. Finally, we identify several tradeoffs and practical limitations in network measurement and monitoring approaches enabled by OpenFlow.
Databáze: OpenAIRE