SCLERA: an Astrometric Telescope for Experimental Relativity

Autor: A. W. Healy, D. L. Patz, Henry A. Hill, J. R. Oleson, Paul D. Clayton, C. A. Zanoni
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Applied optics. 13(1)
ISSN: 1559-128X
Popis: An f/100, 12.2-m focal length photoelectric telescope designed specifically for daytime astrometry of objects near the sun is now operative at its Tucson, Arizona, site. The design goal was to achieve accuracies of order 0.001 sec of arc in field position measurements of stars. To accomplish this, many features reducing systematic and random errors are employed, including Schupmann medial telescope optics, compensation for lateral color aberration, apodization for reduction of diffracted light, and use of an accurately measured solar diameter for calibrating the field.
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