Effects of an Anti-inflammatory Drug Palosein on Gingivitis in Beagles

Autor: W.J. King, Hollandra P Niles, Abdul Gaffar
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Journal of Dental Research. 58:1910-1910
ISSN: 1544-0591
DOI: 10.1177/00220345790580091101
Popis: enzyme superoxide dismutase, converts 02 (superoxide radicals) to H202 and 02 (I. Goda etal., Biochem Biophy Res Comm 48:660-666, 1974). Palosein or Orgotein is a zinc-and copper-containing protein which occurs in bovine liver and has very high superoxide dismutase activity (Diagnostic Data, Inc., Mountainview CA). It shows anti-inflammatory effects in standard models of induced inflammation such as an adjuvant-induced polyarthritis and inflamed paw procedures using carrageenin, yeast, silver nitrate and cotton pellet-induced granuloma. Purified Palosein is a poor antigen and appears to be safe for repeated parenteral application (S. Carson et al., Toxicology Appl Pharmacol 26:184, 1973). It has been tested in animals as an antiinflammatory agent and has also been found to relieve osteoarthritis in humans (K. Lund Oleson et al., Curr Therap Res 16:706, 1974). In addition, Palosein has a shelf life of more than one year at room temperature. Because of the above interesting properties of the agent, we tested its effects on plaque-induced gingivitis in beagle dogs. Eight registered beagle dogs 14 to 16 months of age were given a complete dental prophylaxis with pumice and rubber cups. Disclosing solution was used to insure a complete removal of soft and hard dental deposits. The animals were then kept on soft diets for six weeks in order to permit plaque accumulation and development of gingivitis. At the end of the six-week period, gingivitis was assessed by the gingival index of Loe and Silness (Acta Odont Scand 21:551553, 1963) on these teeth: 1M, 4p, 3p, 2p, 1C and M1, P4, P3, and P2 and C1. Number of bleeding units was also assessed (Miihlemann and Son, Helv Odont Acta 15:107-113, 1971). Crevicular fluid flow was measured with the Periotron (Harco Electronics, Winnipeg, Canada) on 4P, 'C, P4 and C1. The groups were balanced on the basis of crevicular fluid flow. After having baseline
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