Innovative Pedagogies: Ways into the Process of Learning Transformation

Autor: Ciolan, Lucian, Iucu, Romiță, Nedelcu, Anca, Mironov, Cosmina, Carțiș, Alexandru
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 0013-1881
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6087805
Popis: The Handbook on “Innovative Pedagogies: ways into the Process of Learning Transformation” provides an in-depth analysis of the approaches by which teachers are prepared to address pedagogical innovations in the classroom. It takes a look at the use of innovative pedagogies in an effective learning environment and covers topics such as online and blended learning, experimental learning, gamification and inclusive education. This handbook is ideally designed for teachers, academics and instructors interested in adopting innovative pedagogies in their teaching programmes and hopes to trigger discussion among academics from CIVIS Universities and beyond in designing and implementing authentic learning experiences.
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