Exploring the Effects of Work Life Balance on Employee Performance in the Banking Industry
Autor: | Rahaman, Mohammad Mizenur, Lalin, Shamim Al Aziz, Sakufa Chowdhury, Hasan, Syed Towfiq Mahmood |
Rok vydání: | 2022 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.6391325 |
Popis: | Firms, regardless of their nature, are focused on improving their quality. Different factors have been identified by the previous researchers that influence the employee performance (EP). Work-life balance (WLB) is encouraged as an inclusive policy, directed at all workers to achieve a more harmonious balance between their work responsibilities and their personal responsibilities and interests. This study offers new insight into the implications of regulatory changes on the organizational policies related to WLB for improving EP from a developing country like Bangladesh. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the interfacing relationship between WLB and EP in the private commercial banks in Bangladesh. This study reviewed previous literature to find different empirical and theoretical contributions in establishing WLB and EP. The study mainly used a quantitative research method to explore the current scenario of WLB, identify the factors that affect the WLB, and finally measure the level of impact of the WLB on the EP in the banking industry of Bangladesh. Total 325 bankers were selected conveniently from different branches of the top ten selected banks. SPSS and smart PLS were used to analyze data. Descriptive statistics and SEM analysis were employed in the study. This study argues that when there is an association among the factors of WLB, there is the likelihood that the EP of the organization will be improved. Hence the study concludes that the banking industry needs to improve WLB position, which will ultimately improve organizational performance through EP. {"references":["Albertsen, K., Rafnsdóttir, G. L., Grimsmo, A., Tómasson, K., & Kauppinen, K. (2005). Work hours and WLB. SJWEH Suppl, (5), 14–21.","Allen, N. J., & Meyer, J. P. (1996). 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