Peptides Derived from Apoptotic Bax and Bid Reproduce the Poration Activity of the Parent Full-Length Proteins

Autor: Jesús Salgado, Gianfranco Menestrina, Mauro Dalla Serra, Ismael Mingarro, M. Coraiola, Ana J. García-Sáez
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: García-Sáez, Ana Jesús Coraiola, Manuela Dalla Serra, Mauro Mingarro Muñoz, Ismael Menestrina, Gianfranco Salgado Benito, Jesús 2005 Peptides derived from apoptotic Bax and Bid reproduce the poration activity of the parent full-length proteins Biophysical Journal 88 6 3976 3990
Biophysical journal
88 (2005): 3976–3990. doi:10.1529/biophysj.104.058008
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Ana J. Garcia-Saez;* Manuela Coraiola;y Mauro Dalla Serra;y Ismael Mingarro;* Gianfranco Menestrina;y and Jesus Salgado*/titolo:Peptides derived from apoptotic Bax and bid reproduce the poration activity of the parent full-length proteins./doi:10.1529%2Fbiophysj.104.058008/rivista:Biophysical journal (Print)/anno:2005/pagina_da:3976/pagina_a:3990/intervallo_pagine:3976–3990/volume:88
RODERIC. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat de Valéncia
ISSN: 0006-3495
Popis: Bax and Bid are proapoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family that regulate the release of apoptogenic factors from mitochondria. Although they localize constitutively in the cytoplasm, their apoptotic function is exerted at the mitochondrial outer membrane, and is related to their ability to form transbilayer pores. Here we report the poration activity of fragments from these two proteins, containing the first alpha-helix of a colicinlike hydrophobic hairpin (alpha-helix 5 of Bax and alpha-helix 6 of Bid). Both peptides readily bind to synthetic lipid vesicles, where they adopt predominantly alpha-helical structures and induce the release of entrapped calcein. In planar lipid membranes they form ion conducting channels, which in the case of the Bax-derived peptide are characterized by a two-stage pattern, a large conductivity and lipid-charge-dependent ionic selectivity. These features, together with the influence of intrinsic lipid curvature on the poration activity and the existence of two helical stretches of different orientations for the membrane-bound peptide, suggest that it forms mixed lipidic/peptidic pores of toroidal structure. In contrast, the assayed Bid fragment shows a markedly different behavior, characterized by the formation of discrete, steplike channels in planar lipid bilayers, as expected for a peptidic pore lined by a bundle of helices.
Databáze: OpenAIRE