Les parasites de Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera Curculionidae) aux Antilles françaises

Autor: Johann Etienne, Gérard Delvare
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 3 (96), 295-299. (1991)
ISSN: 0037-928X
DOI: 10.3406/bsef.1991.17733
Popis: Summary. — The egg parasitoids of citrus weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus in Guadeloupe and Martinique (FWI) are mentioned. Six species of Hymenoptera within three families (Eulophidae : Aprostocetus gala, Aprostocetus haitiensis, Aprostocetus sp., Baryscapus fennahi; Trichogrammatidae : Ceratogramma etiennei and Platygastridae : Fidiobia citri) are reported. The first five species are actually primary parasites of egg masses of Diaprepes abbreviatus but the host of the last species, F. citri, is not stated precisely. A few aspects of the biology of some of these parasites are given. A map of the general repartition of all the egg parasitoids of citrus weevils known in the Caribbean Region is given.
Étienne Jean, Delvare Gérard. Les parasites de Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera Curculionidae) aux Antilles françaises. In: Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, volume 96 (3), août 1991. pp. 295-299.
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