Additional file 6 of Sex-biased and parental allele-specific gene regulation by KDM6A

Autor: Ma, Wenxiu, Fang, He, Pease, Nicolas, Filippova, Galina N., Disteche, Christine M., Berletch, Joel B.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.20367119.v1
Popis: Additional file 6: Fig. S6. Chromatin modifier expression and chromatin accessibility changes at enhancers and promoters after Kdm6a KO. (A) Expression fold changes between Kdm6aΔ/Y clones (Kdm6aΔE1, Kdm6aΔE3, and Kdm6aΔP4) and wt measured by RNA-seq for genes encoding known chromatin modifying proteins in the PRC2 complex (Ezh1/2, Suz12, Eed, Rbbp7) and the MLL complex (Ep300, Smarca4, Eomes). (B) Box plots of allelic ATAC-seq read coverage at gene enhancers in male BC and CB clones (Kdm6aΔE1 and Kdm6aΔE2.5) compared to their respective wt controls. Enhancers (n = 25,346) were defined as regions enriched in H3K4me3 and H3K27ac in male ES cells as described [12]. (C) Same analysis as in (B) but for promoters (n = 20,745). ATAC-seq coverage was calculated using ± 2 kb surrounding the transcription start sites determined using GENCODE. No significant chromatin accessibility differences were seen, nor was there a significant difference between alleles in either cross. (D) Same analysis as is (B) but for H3K27me3.
Databáze: OpenAIRE