Optimum Design Of An Absorption Heat Pump Integrated With A Kraft Industry Using Genetic Algorithm

Autor: B. Jabbari, N. Tahouni, M. H. Panjeshahi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1081867
Popis: In this study the integration of an absorption heat pump (AHP) with the concentration section of an industrial pulp and paper process is investigated using pinch technology. The optimum design of the proposed water-lithium bromide AHP is then achieved by minimizing the total annual cost. A comprehensive optimization is carried out by relaxation of all stream pressure drops as well as heat exchanger areas involving in AHP structure. It is shown that by applying genetic algorithm optimizer, the total annual cost of the proposed AHP is decreased by 18% compared to one resulted from simulation.
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