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The effect of different host diets on the Intrinsic rate of natural Increase (rm) of Bracon hebetor was observed and calculated. The experiments were conducted by supplying host with four types of natural diets. All experiments related to the effect of diets were conducted at 27±2⁰C, 70% relative humidity and 12h L:D photoperiod. The fecundity, innate capacity of increase in number and intrinsic rate of natural increase were highest when host larvae were reared on wheat when compared to maize, jowar and rice. The doubling time (DT) was shorter on wheat than maize, jowar and rice showing an inverse ratio to rm and rw. On the basis of life table statistics of Bracon hebetor, wheat and maize are the most suitable diets of its host Corcyra cephalonica KEYWORDS: Bracon hebetor, Corcyra cephalonica, Host diet, Life table, Parasitoid, REFERENCES Andrewartha, H.G., Birch, L.C. 1945. The distribution and abundance of animals. Univ. Chicago press, Chicago & London. 782. Antolin, M.E., Strand, M.R. 1992. Mating system of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Eco Entomology, 17 :1, 1-7 ; 34. Gulel, A. 1988. Effect of mating on the longevity of males and sex ratio of Dibrachys boarmiae (Hymenoptera : Pteromalidae). Tr J Zool, 12 : 225-230. Gulel, A. 1991. Effects of changing of the natural food quality on fecundity and adult size inDibrachys boarmiae.Doga Türk Zooloji Dergisi15(4):289-295. Gunduz, E.A., Gulel, A. 2005. Effect of adult age host species on development period of parasitoid Bracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). J Fact Agri, 20(3), 31-36. Tillman, P.G., Cate, J.R. 1993. Effect of host size on adult size and sex ratio of Bracon melitor (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Environ Entomol, 22 : 1161-1165. Mendel, M.J., Shaw, P.B., Owens, J.C. 1987. Life history characteristic of Anastatus semiflavidus (Hymenoptera : Eupeimidae) an egg on their minds parasitoid of the range caterpillar, Hemilevca oliviae (Lepidoptera : Saturniidae) over a range of temperatures. Entomol Soc Am, 16 : 1035-1041. Nikam, P.K., Pawar, C.V. 1993. Life table and intrinsic rate of natural increase of Bracon hebetor Say. (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) population on Corcyra, cephalonica staint. (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) a key parasitoid of Helicoverpa armigera Hbn. (Lepidoptera :Noctuidae). J Appl Ent, 115(2) : 210-213. Pathak, P.H., Krishina, S.S. 1994. Changes in post embryonic development and reproduction in Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) as a function of Eucalyptus and neem oil vapour action during rearing or as on adult. Z Ang Zool, 80 : 345-352. Radhika, P., Chitra, K.C. 1997. Effect of larval nutrition of Corcyra cephalonica (Staint.) on the potential of Bracon hebetor (Say). J Insect Science, 10(1) : 59-60. Riggin, T.M., Isenhour, D.J., Espelie, K.E. 1992. Effect on Cotesia margini-ventris (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) when rearing host fall army worm (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) on meridic diet containing foliage from resistant or susceptible corn genotypes. Envoir Ento, 1 : 214-219 : 40 ref. Uckan, F., E, Ergin. 2002. Effect of host diet on the immature development time, Fecundity, sex ratio, adult longevity and sex of Apanteles galleriae (Hymenoptera : Braconidae). Environ Entomolol., 31:168-171. Youm, O., Gilstrap, F.E. 1993. Life fertility tables on Bracon hebetor Say, (Hymenoptera : Braconidae) reard on Heliocheilus albipunctella de Joannis (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). Ins Sci Applic, 14 : 455-459. Yu, S.H., Ryoo, M.I., Na, J.H., Choi, W.I. 2002. Effect of host density on egg dispersion and the sex ratio of progeny of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). J Stored Prod Res, 39: 385-393.   |