Possibility of Reducing the Overpressure of Shock Wave of Powder Gases around the Mortar

Autor: Slobodan Jaramaz, Miodrag Lisov, Ivana Ivanović, Mirko Kozic
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Tehnički vjesnik
Volume 25
Issue 2
ISSN: 1848-6339
Popis: This paper resulted from the research of the overpressure of the shock wave of the powder gases, which occurs during firing of the mortar. Work encompasses modeling and computation of the overpressure field. Increasing overpressure around the mortar is analyzed in the case of using the largest powder charges. In order to reduce the overpressure a corresponding technical solution has been proposed. The solution in the form of divergent nozzle has been proposed and it is placed at the barrel muzzle. The paper also analyzes the impact of this solution to reduce the overpressure intensity at the crew position.Computation results of the overpressure of the powder gases, which were obtained by the realization of numerical calculation, based on the application of the finite volume method, were confirmed by the experimental results, achieved in the firing experiments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE