Prosodic realizations of new, given, and corrective referents in the spontaneous speech of toddlers

Autor: James L. Morgan, Jill C. Thorson
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: J Child Lang
ISSN: 1469-7602
Popis: Our motivation was to examine how toddler (2;6) and adult speakers of American English prosodically realize information status categories. The aims were three-fold: 1) to analyze how adults phonologically make information status distinctions; 2) to examine how these same categories are signaled in toddlers’ spontaneous speech; and 3) to analyze the three primary acoustic correlates of prosody (F0, intensity, and duration). During a spontaneous speech task designed as an interactive game, a set of target nouns was elicited as one of three types (new, given, corrective). Results show that toddlers primarily used H* across information status categories, with secondary preferences for deaccentinggiveninformation and for using L+H* forcorrectiveinformation. Only duration distinguished information status, and duration, average pitch, and intensity differentiated pitch accent types for both adults and children. Discussion includes how pitch accent selection and input play a role in guiding prosodic realizations of information status.
Databáze: OpenAIRE