Tegumentary leishmaniasis by Leishmania braziliensis complex in Cochabamba, Bolivia including the presence of L. braziliensis outlier: Tegumentary leishmaniasis in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Autor: Anna Fernández-Arévalo, Mary Cruz Torrico, Faustino Torrico, Montserrat Gállego, Alba Abras, Daniel Lozano, Marco Solano, Eva Ariza, Ernesto Rojas, Silvia Tebar, Carmen Muñoz, Joaquim Gascon, Albert Picado, Cristina Ballart
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2021, vol. Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue
Articles publicats (D-B)
DUGiDocs – Universitat de Girona
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
r-IIB SANT PAU. Repositorio Institucional de Producción Científica del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica Sant Pau
ISSN: 1865-1674
Popis: Leishmaniasis is caused by protozoans of the Leishmania genus, which includes more than 20 species capable of infecting humans worldwide. In the Americas, the most widespread specie is L. braziliensis, present in 18 countries including Bolivia. The taxonomic position of the L. braziliensis complex has been a subject of controversy, complicated further by the recent identification of a particular subpopulation named L. braziliensis atypical or outlier. The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic analysis of the L. braziliensis complex in Bolivia and to describe the associated clinical characteristics. Forty-one strains were analyzed by sequencing an amplified 1245 bp fragment of the hsp70 gene, which allowed its identification as: 24 (59%) L. braziliensis, 16 (39%) L. braziliensis outlier, and one (2%) L. peruviana. In a dendrogram constructed, L. braziliensis and L. peruviana are grouped in the same cluster, whilst L. braziliensis outlier appears in a separate branch. Sequence alignment allowed the identification of five non-polymorphic nucleotide positions (288, 297, 642, 993, and 1213) that discriminate L. braziliensis and L. peruviana from L. braziliensis outlier. Moreover, nucleotide positions 51 and 561 enable L. peruviana to be discriminated from the other two taxa. A greater diversity was observed in L. braziliensis outlier than in L. braziliensis-L. peruviana. The 41 strains came from 32 patients with tegumentary leishmaniasis, among which 22 patients (69%) presented cutaneous lesions (11 caused by L. braziliensis and 11 by L. braziliensis outlier) and 10 patients (31%) mucocutaneous lesions (eight caused by L. braziliensis, one by L. braziliensis outlier, and one by L. peruviana). Nine patients (28%) simultaneously provided two isolates, each from a separate lesion, and in each case the same genotype was identified in both. Treatment failure was observed in six patients infected with L. braziliensis and one patient with L. peruviana The work carried out in Bolivia was supported by AECID (14-CO1- 558). The participating UB and ISGbobal investigators are part of the GREPIMER group (Grup de Recerca en Patología Importada i Malaties Emergents i Re-emergents), which received support from the Agèn- cia de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR, 2014 SGR 26 and 2017 SGR 924). ISGlobal receives support from the Tropical Disease Cooperative Research Network (RICET) (RD12/0018/0010) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023” Program (CEX2018-000806-S). ISGlobal is a member of the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA) Programme, Government of Catalonia (Spain)
Databáze: OpenAIRE