Assessment of ecological and chemical efficiency of exploitation process of reciprocating ICE of vehicle with consideration of emission of sulphur oxides, benzo(a)pyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Autor: Kondratenko, O.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3780075
Popis: In this study the previously proposed by the author techniques of determination of magnitudes of mass hourly emissions of sulphur oxides, benzo(a)pyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in diesel engine exhaust gases flow have been improved. Distributions of magni­tudes of such emissions on operational regimes field of 2Ch10.5/12 autotractor diesel engine and on regimes of standardised steady testing cycle ESC were obtained. The mathematical apparatus and technique of application of index of ecology-chemical evaluation of ICE of Prof. P. M. Kanilo have been improved as the alternative for complex fuel-ecological criterion of Prof. I. V. Parsadanov. Distributions of magnitudes of such indicator of ecological safety level of power plants with reciprocating ICE exploitation process on operational regimes field of 2Ch10.5/12 autotractor diesel engine and on regimes of standardised steady testing cycle ESC were obtained together with its middle exploitational magnitude. It is established that, in case of con­si­dering of values of mass hourly emission of sulphur oxi­des, benzo(a)py­re­ne and other PAH in the criteria-based assessment of efficiency of explo­itation process of vehicles with die­sel ICE with using of mathematical apparatus of the integral indicator of ecological-chemical evaluation, the mini­mum efficiency is characterized by the maximum torque regime (F = 1.029), and by the ma­xi­mum efficiency – regime with low effective power (F = 0.091), the regime of nominal effective po­wer – by average efficiency (F = 0.500), and the minimal idle regime (F = 0.178) – by high ef­ficiency. Middle exploitational magnitude of index F for the ESC standardised steady testing cycle and 2Ch10.5/12 diesel engine is 0.373.
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