Comparison between daily supplementation doses of 200 versus 400 IU of vitamin D in infants

Autor: Atilla Ersen, Cihan Meral, İsmail Göçmen, Selami Süleymanoğlu, Erman Ataş, Mustafa Gültepe, Ferhan Karademir, Secil Aydinoz
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: European Journal of Pediatrics. 172:1039-1042
ISSN: 1432-1076
Popis: The daily supplementation of vitamin D is mandatory for infants. However, there are still conflicting opinions about the exact daily dose. Thus, we aimed to evaluate a daily supplementation dose of 200 IU is sufficient and compared the supplementation doses of 200 and 400 IU per day. One hundred and sixty-nine infants were randomly assigned to two groups (group1, 200 IU/day; group 2, 400 IU/day) and there were 75 infants in group 1 and 64 were in group 2 with a total number of 139. The median levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 were significantly increased in group 2 at the age of 4 months (group 1, 39.60 mcg/L; group 2, 56.55 mcg/L; p
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