Efficient X-Band Transmitter With Integrated GaN Power Amplifier and Supply Modulator

Autor: Daniel Niessen, Rudi Paolo Paganelli, Scott Schafer, Corrado Florian, Tommaso Cappello, Zoya Popovic
Přispěvatelé: Cappello T., Florian C., Niessen D., Paganelli R.P., Schafer S., Popovic Z.
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 67 (2019): 1601–1614. doi:10.1109/TMTT.2019.2898188
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Cappello, Tommaso; Florian, Corrado; Niessen, Daniel; Paganelli, Rudi Paolo; Schafer, Scott; Popovic, Zoya/titolo:Efficient X-Band Transmitter With Integrated GaN Power Amplifier and Supply Modulator/doi:10.1109%2FTMTT.2019.2898188/rivista:IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques/anno:2019/pagina_da:1601/pagina_a:1614/intervallo_pagine:1601–1614/volume:67
ISSN: 1557-9670
Popis: In this paper, we present a high-efficiency transmitter based on an integrated circuit (IC) supply modulator implemented in the same 0.15- $\mu \text{m}$ gallium nitride (GaN)-on-SiC RF process as the power amplifier (PA) monolithic microwave IC. The X-band 10-W two-stage PA is designed for stable operation with minimal drain capacitance, which enables fast supply modulation. The multilevel supply modulator provides eight voltage levels with 3-bit digital control [(power digital-to-analog converter (pDAC)], achieving a state-of-the-art slew rate of 5 kV/ $\mu \text{s}$ . Characterization of the dynamic $R_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle ON}}$ of the GaN switches allows the development of an efficiency model for the pDAC and an investigation of the effects of the pDAC internal resistance on the PA performance, resulting in a comprehensive efficiency model for the supply-modulated PA. The flexible compact transmitter consisting of the PA and pDAC ICs shows high efficiency in backoff for a variety of signals, both for radar and communications. Measured results for amplitude- and frequency-modulated radar pulses show a composite power-added efficiency (CPAE) of 44% with a peak power of 10 W at 9.57 GHz, with simultaneous spectral confinement and 52-dB improvement of the first time sidelobe. For a 20-MHz high peak-to-average ratio LTE signal, the CPAE increases from 11% to 32% compared to a fixed supply voltage transmitter, while linearity under dynamic supply operation is maintained through digital predistortion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE