A colourimetric high-throughput screening system for directed evolution of prodigiosin ligase PigC

Autor: Stefanie Brands, Andreas Sebastian Klein, Anna Joëlle Ruff, Hannah U. C. Brass, Jörg Pietruszka, Ulrich Schwaneberg
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Chemical communications 56(61), 8631-8634 (2020). doi:10.1039/D0CC02181D
ISSN: 1364-548X
Popis: A colourimetric high-throughput screening system was established for directed evolution of prodigiosin ligase PigC. The two-step system consists of a colony prescreening test and a subsequent photometric 96-well plate assay. Screening PigC epPCR libraries in Pseudomonas putida revealed a PigC variant that achieved a 2.9× increased yield of prodiginine derivatives.
Databáze: OpenAIRE