Corrosion of Orthodontic Wires: Review Article

Autor: Ankita Kedia1, Maddhesia, Dinesh Kumar, Shehla Rafique, Bishnoi, Anita, Varun Kashyap, Taruna Puri, Gupta, Ajay Kumar, Mridul Khanduri
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7940088
Popis: Corrosion has been found to be the predominant cause for the failures of many metallic orthodontic archwires. Corrosion occurs due to the loss of the metal ions into the solution directly or due to the protective surface oxide layer degrading slowly. There is a simultaneous oxidation and reduction process taking place also called as redox reaction. Corrosion causes a breach in the protective oxide films which enables the beginning of the corrosive process. With evolution in metallurgy, different types of orthodontic archwires have come into use which has different physical and chemical properties. In the oral cavity, orthodontic archwires are subjected to both physical and chemical damage which acts in combination to degrade physical properties and increase the potential for failure. These corrosive chemical reactions may occur due to different kinds of mouthwashes such as chlorhexidine, sodium fluoride mouthwash etc. The corrosion of different metallic archwires can be studied using photographs generated from Scanning Electron Microscope. The review article aims to understand about the corrosion of orthodontics wires when they are at normal oral condition, temperature changes and lastly the interventions using mouthwash or dentifrices
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