Coupled-Cavity Resonant Passive Modelocked (RPM) Ti:Sapphire Laser

Autor: Keller, U., Knox, Wh, Hartmut Roskos
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Springer Series in Chemical Physics ISBN: 9783642842719
Popis: Coupled cavity resonant passive modelocking (RPM) is a new simple technique to passively modelock laser media with a small gain saturation cross section such as a Ti:Sapphire, a Nd:YAG etc. laser. For these lasers the gain saturation is weak making intracavity saturable absorber modelocking problematic. Our RPM Ti:Sapphire laser without any dispersion compensation produces less than 10 ps pulses over a 50 nm wavelength range by simply turning the biréfringent plate inside the Ti:Sapphire laser (Fig. 1). Pulses as short as 2 ps FWHM were generated without intracavity chirp compensation.
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