Comprehensive Anaemia Programme and Personalized Therapies (CAPPT): protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial testing the effect women's groups, home counselling and iron supplementation on haemoglobin in pregnancy in southern Nepal

Autor: Naomi M. Saville, Chandani Kharel, Joanna Morrison, Helen Harris-Fry, Philip James, Andrew Copas, Santosh Giri, Abriti Arjyal, B. James Beard, Hassan Haghparast-Bidgoli, Jolene Skordis, Adam Richter, Sushil Baral, Sara Hillman
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Trials. 23(1)
ISSN: 1745-6215
Popis: Background Anaemia in pregnancy remains prevalent in Nepal and causes severe adverse health outcomes. Methods This non-blinded cluster-randomised controlled trial in the plains of Nepal has two study arms: (1) Control: routine antenatal care (ANC); (2) Home visiting, iron supplementation, Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) groups, plus routine ANC. Participants, including women in 54 non-contiguous clusters (mean 2582; range 1299–4865 population) in Southern Kapilbastu district, are eligible if they consent to menstrual monitoring, are resident, married, aged 13–49 years and able to respond to questions. After 1–2 missed menses and a positive pregnancy test, consenting women Outcomes are captured at 30 ± 2 weeks gestation. Primary outcome is haemoglobin concentration (g/dL). Secondary outcomes are as follows: anaemia prevalence (%), mid-upper arm circumference (cm), mean probability of micronutrient adequacy (MPA) and number of ANC visits at a health facility. Indicators to assess pathways to impact include number of IFA tablets consumed during pregnancy, intake of energy (kcal/day) and dietary iron (mg/day), a score of bioavailability-enhancing behaviours and recall of one nutrition knowledge indicator. Costs and cost-effectiveness of the intervention will be estimated from a provider perspective. Using constrained randomisation, we allocated clusters to study arms, ensuring similarity with respect to cluster size, ethnicity, religion and distance to a health facility. Analysis is by intention-to-treat at the individual level, using mixed-effects regression. Discussion Findings will inform Nepal government policy on approaches to increase adherence to IFA, improve diets and reduce anaemia in pregnancy. Trial registration ISRCTN 12272130.
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