Knowledge Based Model for Power Transformer Life Cycle Management Using Knowledge Engineering

Autor: S. S. Bhandari, N. Chakpitak, K. Meksamoot, T. Chandarasupsang
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1072756
Popis: Under the limitation of investment budget, a utility company is required to maximize the utilization of their existing assets during their life cycle satisfying both engineering and financial requirements. However, utility does not have knowledge about the status of each asset in the portfolio neither in terms of technical nor financial values. This paper presents a knowledge based model for the utility companies in order to make an optimal decision on power transformer with their utilization. CommonKADS methodology, a structured development for knowledge and expertise representation, is utilized for designing and developing knowledge based model. A case study of One MVA power transformer of Nepal Electricity Authority is presented. The results show that the reusable knowledge can be categorized, modeled and utilized within the utility company using the proposed methodologies. Moreover, the results depict that utility company can achieve both engineering and financial benefits from its utilization.
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