Non-aversive photographic measurement method for subcutaneous tumours in nude mice

Autor: Cecilia Carbone, Agustina Resasco, Ana Cristina Carranza Martin, Silvina L. Diaz, Miguel Ángel Ayala
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Popis: We have developed a new method for the measurement of subcutaneous tumour volume which consists in taking photographs of mice in their home cages, to refine the standard method of measurement with calipers. We consider this new method to be non-aversive, as it may be more compatible with mice behavioural preferences and, therefore, improve their welfare. Photographs are captured when mice voluntarily go into an acrylic tube containing graph paper that is later used as a scale. Tumour volumes measured with the caliper and the non-aversive photographic method were compared to those obtained by water displacement volume and weight. Behavioural and physiological changes were evaluated to assess animal welfare. Significant differences were found between measurements obtained with the caliper and the non-aversive photographic method, v. the reference volume acquired by water displacement (P
Instituto de Genética Veterinaria
Databáze: OpenAIRE