The effects of female 'Thin Ideal' media on men’s appearance schema, cognitive performance, and self-evaluations: A self-determination theory approach

Autor: Céline M. Blanchard, Amanda L. Baker
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Body Image. 22:103-113
ISSN: 1740-1445
Popis: Research has primarily focused on the consequences of the female thin ideal on women and has largely ignored the effects on men. Two studies were designed to investigate the effects of a female thin ideal video on cognitive (Study 1: appearance schema, Study 2: visual-spatial processing) and self-evaluative measures in male viewers. Results revealed that the female thin ideal predicted men's increased appearance schema activation and poorer cognitive performance on a visual-spatial task. Constructs from self-determination theory (i.e., global autonomous and controlled motivation) were included to help explain for whom the video effects might be strongest or weakest. Findings demonstrated that a global autonomous motivation orientation played a protective role against the effects of the female thin ideal. Given that autonomous motivation was a significant moderator, SDT is an area worth exploring further to determine whether motivational strategies can benefit men who are susceptible to media body ideals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE