Body dysmorphic disorder and personality in breast augmentation: The big-five personality traits and BDD symptoms

Autor: Emk Aihara, M. Sabino Neto, AT Leite, Lydia Masako Ferreira, Eduardo Sucupira, Mja De Brito
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery. 75:3101-3107
ISSN: 1748-6815
Popis: Breast augmentation is one of the most performed cosmetic surgeries in the world. Personality traits predict the presence of psychological and social factors that may affect the patient satisfaction with a cosmetic surgical procedure and may be risk factors for body dysmorphic disorder. The aim of this study was to assess symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder in patients undergoing breast augmentation and identify their personality traits.Thirty-six women with hypoplasia of the breast (Sacchini index9 cm), a mean age of 28.1 years (SD = 6.2), body mass index ≤ 25 kg/mPersonality traits were associated with symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder. A significant decrease (p0.001) in IGFP-5 scores on the Conscientiousness dimension, symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDSS scores), and the number of patients with body dysmorphic disorder (SCID-I) were observed among different time points. In the study population, breast augmentation decreased the symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder, psychosocial impairment, and mean scores on Conscientiousness.Personality traits varied in intensity and overlapped over time, and were associated with core symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder and the onset of body dissatisfaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE