Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.24412/2223-0564-2021-3-53-58
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Hair is an immortal part of the body. People are born with it, it continues to grow after the death of a person, so hair is the most mythologized part of the body. They are associated with many rituals, customs, prohibitions and signs. In this regard, lexical units with the component ���hair���are quite common in the modern Bashkir language and its dialects. This article is devoted to the study of lexical units with the component ��SAS (hair)��in the modern Bashkir language, the direct and indirect meanings of these units are revealed. In the direct meaning, these words express a corneal filamentous formation that grows on the human skin. They are not only part of the hair and the names of hair care products, but also symbolize the beauty and mind, as well as the marital status of a woman. In an indirect meaning, the component ��hair�� expresses filamentous objects, fibers, and a horny filamentous formation growing on the skin of animals. They participate in the formation of the following metaphorical names. As a symbol of the beauty hair used in the composition of women's personal names, for example, Altintsas, Carasas, Colansas, Harisas. These anthroponyms are used in such biblionyms as ���Harisas��� F. Bulyakova,��� Colansas �� D. Ultiy. This component is also used in the names of dances and songs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE